History of Birth Supersemar ( Order of March )
Posted by Aris Fourtofour on Sunday, March 10, 2013
History of Birth Supersemar ( Order of March ) - The New Order is a period marked by the release of March 11, 1966 Order ( Supersemar ) by President Sukarno addressed to Lieutenant . Suharto, who was then serving as the Chief Minister and the Commander of the Army for the Restoration of Security and Order ( Commander ) .
Supersemar itself out because of the presence of triggered events that killed G30S/PKI Indonesian generals . As a result of these events , the reaction appears people through mass demonstrations against the PKI . Until January 12, 1966 appearing three demands of the people commonly called Tritura contents : disband the PKI , lower prices , and clean the cabinet of G30S/PKI . President Sukarno was the title Nawaksara speech . Speech containing 9 critical points are neither offensive PKI .
History of Birth Supersemar ( Order of March )
History of Birth Supersemar ( Order of March )
On March 10, 1966 , President Sukarno met Jaya Regional Commander V , Amir Mahmud to inquire about securing a plenary session to be held on 11
March 1966 . Amir Mahmud also promises good condition . However , on the day of the plenary session there is an attack from outside the building that is commonly called the student army troops Wild . At the trial, all participants are present except Suharto . At a speech in the assembly, President Sukarno got the memo containing the SOS that the palace was surrounded. Finally, President Sukarno and Kol . Sobur as well as a more immediately went to Bogor by helicopter . Three other generals ( Amir Mahmud , Basuki Rahmat , and M. Joseph ) who feel the need to secure the president soon after but they have to ask their permission to the leadership at that time , namely Suharto . He let them on the condition if it is to be secured , should adasurat statement . 3 Finally, the generals were to meet President Soekarno and make a statement on the way back to Jakarta in the car on the night . Once read , it turns out the letter containing the handover of power .
After the emergence of Supersemar , in Indonesia there dualism leadership means there are 2 leaders in the country .
Until February 20, 1967 , President Sukarno was forced to hand over power formally to Soeharto 's resignation memo as president of Indonesia . The memo is then used as the legal basis the Assembly special session (7-12 March 1967 ) . The trial resulted in the MPRS Decree No. . XXXIII/MPRS/1967 whose content retraction of President Sukarno's power over all state and government power lifting bearers Supersemar as president . Basic appointment as carrier Supersemar Suharto was the result of the public hearing , the MPRS Decree No. . IX/MPRS/1966 .
Finally, on March 12, 1967 , Suharto was sworn and sworn in as Acting President of the Republic of Indonesia . With the inauguration , it was officially a change of government from the Old Order ( Guided Democracy ) to the new government ( the New Order )